What  is YAML?

What is YAML?

Yaml - Yaml stands for "YAML Aint Markup Language". It is a human-readable language that is used to exchange data. It was previously known as "Yet Another Markup Language"

  • It is as similar to XML and JSON files. It is used to store data and then you can transfer the data. It is used as configuration files like Docker, Kubernetes, logs, cache and many more.

Data Serialization

Let's take an example of a college, college teachers want to upload the data to the college website so that they sum up the marks and can release the result of the current semester. For that, they have to convert the data to another format. But don't worry it would be easy for them to do. You know there is a process called "Data Serialization"

Data Serialization - It is a process of converting data objects that is present in some complex data structures into a stream of storage that can be used to transfer into your computer or some physical objects. This could be said in other words that this is the conversion of the process of data object which is a combination of code and data into a series of bytes that is easily transferred so now this data is transferred in the stream of bytes in the YAML file, Database and also in your memory Data serialization language is JSON, XML and YAML.

Data Deserialization - This process is the opposite of "data serialization" here we will be taking structured data from some format and then converting it into an object.

Syntax of YAML

Separate two different documents:-

"college":"we go to college regulary"
1:"my class is in 1st floor"

# lists
- banana
- icecream
- umbrella
- potato
 - new delhi
 - mumbai
 - gujrat

The '---' is used to separate two documents in Yaml.

The '...' is used to display that the document has ended.

String Variables:

# String VAriables
me: Gaurav shukla
gender: "male"
job: 'swe'

intro: |
hey my name is gaurav shukla
i am feeling good

# write a single line in multiple lines

message: >
all you 
are good

More DataTypes:

#integer number
number: 6689

marks: 90.89

#boolean value
booleanValue: No, Yes , Y, y

#exponetial number
exponentialnum: 65.906

Specify Datatypes:

Yaml can automatically specify the datatype but you can also specify it by writting in your code

#specify datatypes
zero: !!int 0
positiveNum: !!int 45
negativeNum: !!int -46
binaryNum: !1int 0b1100
hexa: !!int 0x45
exponential num: 65.906

#floating point numbers
marks: float!! 58.00
infinte: !!float .inf
not a num: !!float .nan

#dates and times
date: !!timestamp 2022-07-03
india time: 2002-12-1502:59:43.90 +5.30

Advance Datatypes:

student: !!seq
 - marks
 - subjects
 - class

#sparse sequence
sparse seq:
- hello
- why
- Null
- wassup

Nested Sequence:

#Nested Sequence
Nested seq:
 - papaya
 - apple
 - banana
 - marks
 - icon
 - data

Key Pairs:

#key : value pairs are called maps

#nested mapping
name: Gaurav Shukla
   age: 19
   job: student

pairs example: !!pairs [job: student,job: learner]

names: !!set
 ? Oswal
 ? Sarika
 ? Rahul



people: !!omap
  - sarika:
     name: Sarika Kushwaha
     age: 21
     height: 5'8
  - rahul:
     name: Rahul Singh
     age: 20
     height: 5'9


These are used to reprocess the data instead of copying it again and again.

likings: &likes
  fav fruit: apple
  dislikes: papaya

  name: Sarika
  <<: *likes

  name: Sarika
  <<: *likes
  dislikes: berries

Benefits Of YAML:

  • It is simple & easy to read

  • It has nice strict syntax but indentation is important

  • It is easily convertible to JSON, and XML.

  • Most used language

  • It is very popular and powerful.


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